
Friday, June 29, 2018


Hi, there my class have been working on a newspaper report I wrote about FIFA world cup and about how Mexico won and how Korea lost and one of Mexico teammate got injured.

Friday, June 22, 2018

my math investigation

hi i'm louis and i did a math investigation a couple of days ago
it was called spendthrift we to times 26x26 and 18x18 and what ever we timed we would have add it and the number could not be any higher that 5.00 and here's my workout.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

dee dee's ten sided dice

 my class is reading a book called posted and have been doing activitys about the book i have been making a ten sided dice it was hard because i had to stick the dice on to cardboard then cut it out and put it into the dice heres a image of my dice